When you fall pregnant, you're bombarded with a lot of happiness and positive thoughts from others who have gone through it before. You learn a lot about yourself during the pregnancy and you get the opportunity to see your body change and grow life.
However, there are some realities that no one really tells you about, preferring to leave out all the unfavorable parts that come from pregnancy as well as the post-partum experience you may have once your baby arrives.
With that being said, let’s take a look at some of the harsh realities of pregnancy that might be worth knowing if you’re someone wanting to get the full truth of pregnancy.

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There are often a lot of physical changes to come to terms with
There’s no doubt that your body will change when you get pregnant, but no one really tells you about how your body changes in a permanent way. Everything fits differently and your shape changes once you’ve had the baby.
Throughout your pregnancy, you’re going to get bigger as your womb and internal organs all accommodate the growing baby inside your body.
Physical changes are acne, heat rash, and itchiness. You may also find that you have new moles or the existing moles and freckles get darker and bigger. Stretch marks are not uncommon and you may find that parts of your body get bigger too. From your breasts to your calves, no body part is off-limits when it comes to pregnancy weight gain.
You’ll find your hormones and emotions are challenging to control
With a baby growing inside of you, your hormones are going to be flying off all cylinders and that means your emotions will likely be challenging to control. One minute you might be happy and then the next, you’re struggling with the intense emotions you’re feeling off the back of watching a cute dog video.
This is all normal but the fluctuation and extremity of the emotions can often be a lot to deal with. It’s what also often leads a lot of moms-to-be and post-partum moms, to struggle with their mental health and well-being in general.
Everything might set you off when it comes to your pregnancy from announcing your pregnancy to writing your birth plan. Sometimes, it’s the quiet or insignificant moments during your pregnancy that can be the most emotional.
All pregnancies are different in symptoms and cravings
For every mom and every pregnancy, the experience is often very different. There may be some similarities but you can expect to find that your experience of pregnancy, might be a lot different to someone else’s you may know.

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All pregnancies will show different symptoms and cravings, which is why it’s important to be aware of what symptoms you have and how you can navigate these symptoms as best as possible.
Cravings are also not as common as some would think they are. While some pregnancies may have weird and quirky cravings, some moms might not experience any at all. The common misconception that cravings occur in every pregnancy is often one that leaves many surprised is not the case.
Other people may not have boundaries that you’ll want to set for them
Whether they’re your family and friends or complete strangers, some people have the natural urge to touch your belly or make comments that are often inappropriate or rude.
Having friends and family rubbing your belly without asking is one thing but for complete strangers to come up and do it without asking is another. It’s important that you set those boundaries if you’re not someone who is comfortable with people touching your belly.
While it might seem like the normal thing to do for some when they see a pregnant woman, it’s not something that every pregnant woman wants.
The same goes for rude or insensitive comments. These are likely to happen, even if they weren’t intended to be such. It’s sometimes down to generational attitudes and for others, just being rude.
Don’t be afraid to tell them what those comments are causing emotionally and again, it’s worth setting boundaries with those individuals.
The harsh reality you face is that your life will be changed forever
While being pregnant and having a child is a wonderful chapter of your life, it’s also an end to your old life and one where you didn’t have a child or a responsibility for anyone other than yourself.
It’s a harsh reality that you face and that not everyone adjusts to quite so easily.
It’s therefore imperative that you’re taking the time to process this loss that’s happening in your life and that it’s ok to not feel good about all of the change.
You may find yourself missing your old life and wanting to find yourself at some point when the baby has arrived. It’s a good thing to remember that it’s going take time to process this transition and eventually find the new self that you have when the baby arrives.
You may find that you’re lacking support
Not everyone has the support they need when it comes to being pregnant and having a baby.
You may feel as though you have a good support network going into the pregnancy but it’s not uncommon for many moms-to-be to find that the support dries up during pregnancy and often a few months after the baby has arrived.
It’s very much true that it takes a village to raise a child but often enough it’s left to the parents to handle the mental and physical load of raising a child.
Nine months is a long time to be pregnant
While it’s exciting to be pregnant, moms who are waiting for the big day to arrive quickly realize just how far away nine months is. Not to mention if you are then overdue and waiting for the baby to arrive past its due-by date.
Not only is there a physical demand on the body when it comes to carrying a baby for this long but there’s also the mental game that you need to play in order to stay sane and keep a level head.
There’s a big uncertainty around labor and getting the baby out
When it comes to the labor itself, you’re often encouraged to write out a birth plan. The chances of this birth plan being seen by anyone other than the main midwife or nurse who looks after you, is slim.
Therefore, it’s often something that isn’t talked about enough and it ultimately leaves expectant moms with a big question mark around labor itself.
It’s also important to remember that there are plenty of methods in which a baby is labored and born. You also have the option of having a C-section if it’s something you’d like regardless of whether it’s for medical reasons or not.
As an expectant mom, it’s recommended that you do your research when it comes to labor so that you can have as much information as possible. Not only that but it can also be helpful to speak to other moms you know about how they managed laboring, as well as any tips they may have.
The reality of pregnancy is that not everything is clear-cut. You’re going to find that there are a lot of things you didn’t know and some that you end up learning as you progress. Make those connections with fellow moms and be honest and open about your experiences.
Don’t suffer in silence too and if you’re struggling with any part of it, seek help from those that can provide it professionally.